
Mount and blade warband best armor
Mount and blade warband best armor

You need to participate in Vlandian tournaments. Bannerlord's cheats and console commands are easy to use, too, once you've made a quick edit to a single Hold Up Displays - Crossbow Holder - Flat Wall Vertically displays your crossbow. A heavy infantry wielding a two handed axe. There now exists a way to get crossbow skill without even owning a crossbow. Which Faction Culture to pick? If on foot the best is battania fians then probably sharpshooters for vlandia. The light crossbow was pretty good and I equipped all of my companions with one. My crossbow skill is now 17 and I have never owned a crossbow.

mount and blade warband best armor

This is an extremely expensive weaponcoins.

mount and blade warband best armor

In Bannerlord they decided that they don't like crossbows or cavalry and the made design decisions to affect them adversely.

Mount and blade warband best armor